Donations: Stichting Home of Good Hope
IBAN NL 93 RABO 0162 5623 30
(international) BIC code: RABONL2U
We accept all donations, single payments or monthly donations.
Since 14 December 2011, the Foundation Home of Good Hope is on the list of Charities, which the tax authorities have drawn up.
Your donations will go directly to the children and the soup kitchen without administration costs or hidden costs. Rabobank Tilburg have provided us with a Rabobank account free of charge.
If you wish to give teaching materials or clothing directly, then you can contact Monica:
For more information, or if you have ideas to support Monica, please contact us.
Monica Imanga,
P.O. Box 61049
Sponsor a child in Namibia

For only 6,75 euro per month, a child receives a hot meal with fruit and peanutbutter sandwiches for the necessary extra calories.
Since 14 December 2011, the Foundation Home of Good Hope is in the list of Charities, which is drawn up by the tax authorities.
If you would like to sponsor a child, please transfer money to our Rabobank account nr. IBAN NL 93 RABO 0162 5623 30 / BIC code: RABONL2U stating: Sponsor a Child in Namibia.
Something to celebrate? Then consider Home of Good Hope
We celebrate a lot in our country. And thank goodness. Each year, everyone has more than one reason to celebrate. Birthday, anniversary, graduation, promotion, victory, happiness, you name it. And we do. From very intimate as a couple, with good friends, extended family and friends, to grand in public. Increasingly, people want to also give a meaningful interpretation. More and more often, you see that guests are given the opportunity to contribute to charity.
Home of Good Hope is such a charity and would like to draw your attention to that!
Meanwhile, we have been pleasantly surprised by contributions to Home of Good Hope from people who had something to celebrate several times. These gifts have become an important source of income. With this we can help to maintain a daily nutritious meal for over 500 children. But also provide support in the fields of education, health and shelter and thus give a chance for a better future to the children in Windhoek.
If you have plans to add an extra meaning when organizing your party by contributing to a good cause, it will be appreciated if Home of Good Hope can be that charity (any contribution is welcome!).
We also encourage you to look in your circle of friends your work, your organization or club if there are options to involve "a good cause" for a particular celebration.
We are at your service to provide the necessary information.
For more information:
Maria Vernooij, tel. +31 161-224248 and Lau Lavooij, tel. +31 161-452116 or at the secretary Annie Romeijnplein 6 5122 BT Rijen, The Netherlands.